Brotherhood Day is observed on September 11 every year. It marks the commemoration of Swami
Vivekananda’s famous speech delivered on September 11, 1893 in Chicago to the
delegates of the world Parliament of Religions.
The speech is popularly remembered for its opening words “Sisters and
Brothers of America”. It was a short
speech. But its impact was instantaneous.
It is said that after hearing this opening words, the entire assembly
gave him an extended standing ovation.
Vivekananda Kendra Vidyalaya
celebrated Universal Brotherhood Day as well as 48th Anniversary of
the dedication of the Vivekananda Rock Memorial to the nation in a grand
manner. The function started at 2.30 pm
and it was presided over by Mann. Bhanudasji, General Secretary of Vivekananda
Kendra. The programme began with our
traditional way, lighting the lamp by the honourable chief guest Dr.R.Rajesh,
M.E., Ph.D., Principal of Rohini College of Engineering, Paulkulam and the
special guest Lion Dr.S.Rajendran, M.B.B.S., D.Lit., MJF, and Millennium Lions
Governor. The programme was compered by
Smt. P.Jeya, Teacher of Vivekananda Kendra Vidyalaya. On this happiest occasion, the celebration
was initiated with the invocation song sung by the students of Vivekananda
Kendra Vidyalaya.
The most precious gift we can offer
any one is our welcome. Sri.S.Abraham
Lingom, The Principal of Vivekananda Kendra Vidyalaya extended warm welcome to
the dignitaries and the participants of the programme.
“The right word may be effective and
speech is powerful”. The president of
the function Mann. Bhanudasji, General Secretary of Vivekananda Kendra
addressed the gathering. He recalled
Swami Vivekananda’s message of Universal Brotherhood. He explained that the speech of Swami
Vivekananda made the entire world’s attention to our nation’s rich history and
strong cultural roots. He praised the
tremendous Indian Culture. He also
praised the various religious people who were attracted by the inclusive
approach of Hindus. He exhibited that we
all must understand the unifying nature of Dharma. He advised the students to carry forward the
mission of Swami Vivekananda and Eknathiji Ranade throughout their lives.
“Music has the power to communicate
messages and emotions that words capture”.
The students of Vivekananda Kendra Vidyalaya sang a melodious Sanskrit
song. “Speeches have incredible
power”. Dr.R.Rajesh, M.E., P.hD., The
Principal of Rohini College of Engineering, Paulkulam as the Chief Guest of the
function delivered his valuable speech.
He mentioned the impact of Chicago address by Swami Vivekananda. He pointed the poems of the Tamil Poet
Mahakavi Bharathi which motivates us the national integration. He also illustrated spirituality and equality
principles in “The Bhagavath Gita”. He
explained the different problems in our society that should be overcome by
adaptability and flexibility of every individual. He noted the Indians role in foreign
countries. He said that the foreign
schools provide only education but our Indian Schools provide education with
discipline. He praised the service of
Vivekananda Kendra and Vidyalaya.
“Honour has been the reward for what we give”.
An award is not only a great
prestige or a mark of excellence, but is also a tremendous boost to someone”. Vivekananda Kendra and Vivekananda Kendra
Vidyalaya organized inter-schools andinter-colleges competitions. 480 students from difference schools and
colleges participated in different events like patriotic song, essay,
elocution, recitation and drawing. They
won prizes. Prizes were given by the
Chief guest and Special guest of the function.
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