Wednesday 24 July 2024

Guru Purnima Day Celebration 2024

Date: 22-07-2024

Time:2.30 p.m.

Venue: Swami Vivekananda Sabhagriham

Chief Guest: Sri.Baktha Lakshana Giri Maharaj,Gopinath Gaudiya Math (Madam), Kovilpatti

Presided by: Sri. Krishna Kumar Ji, Vanaprasthi Karyakartha, V.K.

No. of Participants: 1180

Hosted by: A.K.Mahima-IX C

“A True guru helps us discover the light within ourselves”

    The programme was inaugurated sharply at 2.30 p.m. with an invocation. Y.R.Akshana of class IX welcomed the gathering. To extend gratitude to the teachers, Guru stotram was sung by each and every student in the sabhagriham, followed by S.C.S.Aranya Devi of class IX who delivered a speech in Tamil about the significance of the day.

Students of class VIII dedicated a euphonious song to the teachers. L.K.Swetha of class IX shared the importance of Guru Purnima and also exclaimed “ Guru as an inspiration”.

Sri. Baktha Lakshana Giri Maharaj initiated his speech by chanting the mantra,

“Om Sri Ram, Jaya Ram, Jaya Jaya Ram Jaya Guru deva,”.

· It was chanted by all the students for five minutes.

· Good behaviour and discipline were highlighted.

· Ji emphasised the role of the Earth, the Sun and the Moon, through a story.

· He explained about patience, God is one and soul is immortal.

· He also advised the students to respect the teachers.

Smt. Thanga Rathi Teacher read out the mean cum merit and merit scholarship name list. The honourable chief guest handed over the scholarship cards to the students. The teachers who secured centum result in the academic year 2023-2024 were also honoured.

Sri. Krishna Kumar Ji nourished the minds of the students by giving three key points to follow in their life.

· Ji asked the students to note the important events which they glance in their life.

· Select one value and try to follow it.

· Laziness should be erased.

· Importance should be given to humbleness.

S.Tiffani of class IX expressed her gratitude to all. The celebration was concluded with Kendra prarthana.




Friday 21 June 2024

International Day of Yoga - 2024

 Date: 21-06-2024

Time: 8.00 Am.

Venue: Swami Vivekananda Sabhagriham

No. of participants: 776

Presided by: Shri.M.Krishna Prasath, Regional Organiser, Isha Yoga Centre, Nagercoil

Master of ceremony: Kum.K.Esai Reshma, Teacher

“Yoga is not just a workout, it’s a work-in”.


          The programme was initiated sharply at 8.00 a.m. The gracious event was initiated by an invocation and it was done by the students of class VII.

Welcome Address:

          Kum. Nivedhini teacher, cordially welcomed the gathering.

Importance of the Day:

Smt.Nithya teacher shared the importance of the day. She also shared the viewpoints of Mananeeya Nivedita Didi.

Yoga Session:

Yoga session was organised by Smt.Jothi teacher. At first, loosening exercises were given to the students such as neck bending, neck rotation, knee movement, neck twisting etc. Then the clear cut explanation of various asanas were given by the teacher and the demonstration was done by the students.

          Yoga postures like, Padha-Hasthasana, Artha chakrasana, Therikonasana, Bathrasana, Artha ustrasana, Sasankasana, Vakrasana, Bhujangasana, Salabhasana, Savasana etc. were performed by the students enthusiastically.

Presidential Address:

          Shri.M.Krishna Prasath gave an inspirational speech about yoga and its purpose in our daily life. He also marked the importance of practising yoga for self-growth and brain development. Yoga relieves internal pain and diseases and yoga could also be included in our basic needs. He highlighted that in Isha yoga centre, they have Yoga Linga and Adiyogi statue. Maha Sivarathri is celebrated in full swing in Isha vidyalaya school for the poor and disabled students. He also appreciated our school to have yoga as one of the educational curricula.

          As a token of love, our correspondent presented him a momento.

Vote of thanks:

          Smt.Kalpana Parvathi teacher delivered the vote of thanks.

          The celebration concluded with Kendra prarthana.

Monday 18 March 2024

Mothers' Day Celebration - 2024


Date                                :16-03-2024

Time                               : 4.00 pm

Venue                            : Vivekananda Kendra Vidyalaya M.H.S.S.

Chief Guest                    : Smt. T.Geetha Radhakrishnan (Sevabharathi , District Secretary)

Master of ceremony      : Smt. V. Subalakshmi

Total Participants         : 210

v Mothers’ day celebration was initiated with an invocation by Smt. B. Rekha Devi.

v The gatherings were welcomed by Smt.S.Hema.

v Importance of the day was presented by Smt.Malarmathi

v The mother, who won the first prize in music competition sang a beautiful melodious song.

The mothers namely Smt.Deiva Jeyajothi, Smt.K.Saranya, Smt.Nithya shared their
 experience. They expressed their happiness and remembered their childhood.

v They had curiosity to participate in the competition and long for this day every year.

The key points of Chief guest’s address:

·        She advised to interact with their child everyday with positive attitude.

·        Not to compare their child with others.

·        She explained about Hindu Dharma by a short incident from the life of Swami Vivekananda and Jijabai.

·        Women have all talents. If they bring out their hidden talents, our country will be a developed one.

·        She concluded, “Mother is the best example for love & affection”.

Ø The winners of Mothers’ Day were honoured by Smt.T. Geetha Radhakrishnan.

Ø As a token of love, a memento was presented to the chief guest by our correspondent Sri.R.Subbiah Nadar.

Ø Smt. B.S.Sangeetha delivered the vote of thanks.

Ø The program was concluded with Shanthi Mantra.

Saturday 17 February 2024


 VENUE: Swami Vivekananda Sabhagriham

DATE: 15.02.2024

TIME: 2.30 P.M



Ø  On 15.02.2024 mathru Pooja was celebrated in our school.

Ø  The program was hosted by Smt.P.Umaselvi Teacher of V.K.V.

Ø  The welcome address was presented by Smt.K.Kavitha, Teacher of V.K.V.

Ø  The importance of this celebration was delivered by Smt.P.Umaselvi, Teacher of V.K.V.

Ø  The mathru Pooja was conducted by Smt.P.Umaselvi, Teacher of V.K.V.

Ø  At the end of this celebration, 4 parents and 6 students shared their experience.

Ø  The vote of thanks was proposed by Sri.K.Rajukumar, Teacher of V.K.V.

Ø  The program was concluded with Shanti Mantra.

Monday 12 February 2024

Sports Day Celebration Report-2024

 Date: 09-02-2024

Time: 2.00 PM

Venue: Vivekananda Kendra Vidyalaya M.H.S.S.

Chief Guest: Dr.A.Prabhu Marachan, Assistant Professor, Dept. of Physics, Vivekananda Arts and Science college, Agasteeswaram.

Master of ceremony: K.Asmitha-XII B

No. of participants: 1160

·        The sports day celebration initiated with an invocation song.

·        D.P.Sundareshwari of class IX C welcomed the gathering.

·        Our Physical Educator,Sri.Ajith sir delivered the speech about the importance of sports day.

·        Dr.A.Prabhu Marachan, Assistant Professor addressed the gathering.

Highlighted few important points.

Ø Advised the students to do exercise daily.

Ø To wake up in the early morning and talk to their subconscious mind- “I can do it” to develop their self-confidence.

Ø To visualize their aim to reach their goal.

Ø To recall the day, chief guest said to write the day’s report.

Ø To respect their parents and to be truthful.


·        Our chief guest honoured the winners who actively participated in sports.

·        Kum.Abinaya Lakshmi read out the prize list of the winners.

·        Smt.K.G.Sariga, Principal presented a memento to our honourable chief guest.

·        N.Nadasha of class IX B, proposed the vote of thanks.

·        The sports day celebration concluded with Kendra prarthana.


Saturday 27 January 2024

The Republic Day Celebration Report-2024

Date: 26-1-2024

Time:8.30 AM

Venue:Vivekananda Kendra Vidyalaya M.H.S.S.

Chief Guest:Dr.T.Ramesh Kumar, Neonatologist & Nodal Officer NICU,Govt.MedicalCollege,Asaripallam.

Presided by:Mann.Hanumantaraoji, Vice President, VRM & VK.

Master of ceremony:M.Vignesh-XII B

No. of participants:1160

·        The Republic Day celebration initiated with an invocation.

·        Mann.Hanumantaraoji, Vice President, VRM & VK. Unfurled the national flag.

·        A.J.Mathisha of IX standard delivered the welcome address.

·        To glorify the speciality of our Mother Bharath, students of class VIII & IX presented a beautiful patriotic song.

·        Ashika of class VIII C orated the importance of the day fabulously.

·        Sisters and brothers of VKV,did an energetic performance through Karate and Silambam.

·        Sisters of class IX, enlightened the audience with a sweet patriotic song in our mother tongue.

·        Our honourable chief guest, Dr.T.Ramesh Kumar.

 Highlighted few important points.

Ø As an Ex-student, our chief guest shared his school life which helped him to achieve his goal. He quotedthe golden word of Swami Vivekananda “Arise,awake and stop not till the goal is reached”.

Ø Motivated him to be a disciplined and hard working person.

Ø Advised the students to have long term goal to choose their profession and to work on to reach the goal and also to multiply their goal.

Ø To update themselves by reading books and newspapers.

Ø To avoid social media.

Ø To develop a lot of hobbies like planting trees and to serve or help others.

Ø Dr.T.Ramesh Kumar also highlighted that he is always ready to help our school.

·        Our VKV students enacted a tamil drama from the life of VeeranSundaralingam.

·        Mann.Hanumantaraoji, enlightened all of us with his ideas.

Ø To feel the honour of being the citizens of our country is itself a great emotion.

Ø Our school provides a diverse environment where students acquire knowledge, self respect, self confidence, culture, tradition, good discipline and enhance their skills.

Ø Mann.Hanumantaraoji also highlighted the words of Swami Vivekananda when he reached Rameshwaram“India I loved before I came away. Now the very dust of India has become holy to me, the very air is now to me holy, it is now the holy land, the place of pilgrimage”

Ø Asked the students to aim to be an Army officer or Defence officer or Navy officer to protect our nation.

·        The students of class VIII & IX sisters performed a colourful dance performance.

·        The hidden talents of our school students were brought out by conducting different competitions. Our honourable chief guest honoured the prize winners.

·        Mann. Hanumantaraoji presented the memento to Dr.T.Ramesh Kumar.

·        Krishna Priya of VIII B delivered the vote of thanks.

·        The Republic day celebration concluded with Kendra prarthana and sweets were distributed to all.