Wednesday, 25 December 2024

Samartha Bharat Parva Celebration-2024

 Venue                       : Vivekananda Kendra Vidyalaya M.H.S.S.

Date                         : 25-12-2024

Time                        : 9.30 A.M.

No. of participants : 127


Ø On 25-12-2024 Samartha Bharat Parva was celebrated in our school. 

Ø Dr.R. Sundara Kumar, VKV Teacher welcomed the gathering and narrated the purpose of celebrating Samartha Bharat Parva.

Ø  All the participants sang Vande Mataram and Arati song was played.

Ø Pooja was offered to Bharat Matha.

Ø The celebration was concluded with kendra prarthana.

Ø  At the end of the celebration prasatham was distributed.

Thursday, 12 December 2024



DATE                         :11-12-2024

TIME                         : 2.30 P.M.

VENUE                      : Swami Vivekananda Sabhagriham

Presided by                : Susri.Radha Didi, Dakshin Prant Sangatak



We celebrated Gita Jayanthi in our school on 11th Dec.2024.Bhagavad Gita teaches the supreme controller,

 the living being,material nature time and karma.Gita is the book to know, “how to live .”

 The programme was initiated with three ‘Omkaras’. The Students from 9th standard chanted the slokas 

and it was followed by all the students.

Presidential Address:

“You must develop yourselves

  You are the friend of yourselves

  You are the enemy of yourselves.”

  • Didi initiated her speech by highlighting good and bad deeds which show you as friend and enemy.
  • Never speak lie.
  • You become energetic when you do good deeds.
  • She examined good and bad deeds through a story.
  • Be friend of yourselves and become the master of yourselves.
  • Discipline is must.
  • Bhagavad Gita gives peace of mind and good concentration.
  • Sri Krishna told the slokas to Sri Arjuna to get rid of his fear.
  • God is within us.
  • She concluded her speech by giving an activity to the students. She also stated that they must share their experience of reading “The Bhagavad Gita” for one year.

            The programme was concluded with Shanthi mantra.


Wednesday, 20 November 2024


Date: 19-11-2024

Time: 2.00 PM

Venue: Swami Vivekananda Sabhagriham

No. of participants: 1230 (Students & Parents)

Chief Guest: Dr.S.Jeyachandran, M.A., M.Phil., Ph.D., Assistant Professor in Tamil, Vivekananda college of Education, Agasteeswaram.

Presided by: Mann.Hanumantaraoji, Vice President, VRM & VK

Master of ceremony: Kum.S.Tiffany – IX C


            The gracious event was inaugurated with an invocation by the students of class IX.

Welcome Address:

            Kum. S.Heina of class XI delivered the welcome address.

Importance of the Day:

Kum. N.P.Hahina of class XI shared the importance of the day.

            Kum. I.Sarva Rakshitha Sri of III Std who won the first prize in the music competition held during the children’s day sang a rhythmic song.

Chief Guest’s Address:

            Highlighted the following;

·         He explained about Maanikavasagar’s poem.

·         Boosted to work together to bring continuity.

·         Stated about the promise which was done by MBBS students

·         Created awareness to avoid the usage of plastics

·         Emphasized about the medicinal plants.

Kum. Nubisha of class VII A sang a euphonious song.

Kum.Aro Ribishini of class XII B shared the merits and demerits of Robots.

The students of std IX sang a patriotic song in Hindi.

Presidential Address:

Highlighted the following;

·         Remembered about Eknathji,s efforts to construct a memorial for Swamiji

·         Symbol of Indian Culture

·         Successful life should be powerful and focused

·         Conveyed the message of Swamiji.

·         The three important factors are excellency, efficiency and endless effort.

·         Our life should be an inspiration to all.

On account of Children’s day various competitions like drawing, music, quiz, elocution and fancy dress were conducted and the students eagerly participated.

The winners were honoured by our chief guest and Mann. Hanumantaraoji.

Mann. Hanumantaraoji presented a memento to our honourable chief guest.

Kum.Bershiba of std IX delivered the vote of thanks.

The celebration concluded with Kendra Prarthana.