DATE : 12.01.2023
VENUE : Vivekananda Kendra Vidyalaya M.H.S.S., Vivekanandapuram
TIME : 2.30 P.M
Guest : Dr.S.Rajesh, Principal
College of Engineering and technology’
Guest : Shri.P.Pandaram,
Senior Scientist, KKNPP
by : Mann. Rekha Davey Didi,
General Secretary, VRM & VK
No of Participants :1400
Ø On 12.01.2023 we
celebrated three important functions, 160thJanmaDiwas of Swami
Vivekananda, Annual day of Vivekananda Kendra Vidyalaya and National youth
day. The birth anniversary of Swami
Vivekananda is celebrated as National Youth day.
Ø The program was initiated
by lighting the lamp by the Chief Guest and Special Guest.
Ø Then our National song
“VandeMataram” was sung.
Ø The welcome address and the
annual report were presented by Principal of VKV, Smt.K.G.Sariga.
Ø The students of classes
VII and VIII sang a beautiful Sanskrit song.
Ø The special guest address:
The Key points of the
v He quoted the sayings of
Swami Vivekananda and insisted the students to be disciplined.
v Students have to work hard
until they reach their goal.
v He also mentioned
Dr.A.P.J.AbdulKalam and Dr.Sivan, who succeeded in their life because of their
continuous effort. Students also must
have determination
Ø After the special guest’s
address, the prizes were distributed to the academic and E.A.toppers. The house Vasishta which won the shield was
honoured by Mann. Rekhadidi.
Ø The chief guest Shri.
P.Pandaram, Senior Scientist of KKNPP, delivered the speech.
The key points of his
speech are as follows:
v Insisted students to shine
like a star and mentioned the steps to become a star.
v He narrated the
abbreviation of star as
S – Stop using mobile phones, watching TV
T – Think
A – Assist your elders.
R – Respect the elders.
v Try to do good things and
become a great person.
v Follow the path of Swami
Ø Next the book “The Human
evolution of Indian culture challenges and potentialities” written by
Mann.Niveditadidi, Vice-President of Vivekananda Kendra and Vivekananda Rock
Memorial translated into Tamil by Shri.A.P.Sundar, The book “மானுடப் பரிணாம
வளர்ச்சியின் நோக்கில் பாரதப் பண்பாடு, சவால்களும் வாய்ப்புகளும்” was released by our
Chief Guest.
Ø Presidential address was
proposed by Mann.Rekha Davey didi, Joint General Secretary of VRM and VK.
The Key points of
Presidential address:
v Students must learn many
books apart from syllabus.
v Develop the skills of
communication, reading and writing.
v Devote yourself to do a
work or task.
v Shared few incidents from
the life of Swami Vivekananda.
Ø The chief guest and
special guest were given memento by Mann. Rekhadidi.
Ø Vote of thanks was
proposed by Shri.S.SanjeeviRajan Sir, Vice-Principal of VKV.
ØThe formal meeting came to
an end and the cultural programme began.
Our students entertained the audience with their performance.
Ø The celebration came to an
end with Kendra Prarthana.
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