DATE: 19.11.2021
“Every problem has a solution
Every obstacle is an pportunity”
Mann. EknathjiRanade
SadhanaDiwas was celebrated in
our school on 19.11.2021 at 2.45 p.m. to pay our homage and gratitude to Mann.
EknathjiRanade, the man with Capital ‘M’ who lived up to the ideal ‘One life,
One Mission’. He has a special place in the little hearts of the people as a
man of humanity, founder of Vivekananda Kendra and his remarkable task ‘The
construction of Vivekananda Rock Memorial’.
The programme was initiated with an invocation by IX Std girls. The welcome address was delivered by M.S.AnushKumari of XI std. G.JanyNishmitha of XI std gave a short glimpse on the importance of the day. IX std girls sang a melodious song praising the master of the day,Man.EknathRanade.
Mann. HanumanthaRaoji, the Vice President of Vivekananda Rock Memorial and Vivekananda Kendra,presided the function that day. In his oration, he highlighted the holistic mission of Man. EknathRanade by overcoming all the obstacles that hindered its progress. He said that the Real Education is not related to marks but teach one to serve the society and spread the fragrance of love among the human beings and all living creatures around.
He advised the students to have a goal in life and lead a
purposeful life like Swami Vivekananda and Mann. EknathRanade in serving the
humanity. On account of the children’s day celebration, elocution and music
competitions were conducted to bring out the innate talent of our students.
G.JanyNishmitha of XI Std who won the first prize in the music competition entertained the participants by her melodious song and N.P.Eshana of X Std presented her prize winning speech. The prizes were distributed to the winners by Mann. HanumanthaRaoji.
Vote of thanks was proposed by
T.LakshmiSandhiya of X Std. Finally, the day came to a fine end by Kendra
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