Eknath Ramakrishna Ranade,popularly
referred to as Eknathji, was a social activist and leader,president of
Vivekananda Rock Memorial committee and Vivekananda Kendra , kanyakumari.

Ranade was born on 19th November 1914 at Timtala in Amaravathi
district of Maharastra. His parents were Ramakrishnan Ranade and Ramabai. He
was deeply attracted towards the words and deeds of Swamiji and a living
testimony to his idea of India. After the construction of Rock Memorial, he
established various organizations for the benefit of the people. As a tribute
to great soul, his birthday is celebrated as ‘Sathana Divas’. In our school 104th
birth anniversary of Mann.Eknathji and final day of Science and Arts Exhibition
was celebrated in a grand way. Master of ceremony by S.Abinaya of XI Std.
initiated the progaramme with prayer song sung by VI Std boys. The welcome
address was delivered by Ashmitha of XI Std. The importance of the day was
presented by Akshwin of IX Std.
to Children’s day celebration, various competitions were held in our
school.Many students participated and won the prizes.

Sree Mathura of U.K.G. and Vishnu
of III Std won the first prize in Music competition and they sang the prize
winning song infront of the audience.
presidential address was delivered by Mann.Hanumanta Raoji,Treasurer of VRM
& VK.
spoke about the 104th Birth Anniversary of Mann.Eknath Ranade. He
shared the special qualities of Eknathji. He expressed that Eknathji was a man
of dedication, discipline, perfection, punctuality and perseverance. He
exhibited that Eknath was punctual and perfect in all the work. He mentioned
about Eknathji’s arrival to Tamil Nadu and the way he became one among the
people of Tamil Nadu. After the construction of the, Vivekananda Rock Memorial
Kanyakumari has become famous all over he world. Even though he was unfamiliar
with the language of Tamil, he accomplished his task successfully. He suggested
the students to follow the qualities and principles of Eknath Ranade.
students of VIII Std girls sang a patriotic song. M.S.Harshika of XII Std won
the first prize in elocution competition and she exhibited her views about
Kalam’s involvement in science infront of the audience.
Kalpana Parvathi, teacher of V.K.V. read out the winners name list and the
prizes were distributed by Mann.Hanumanta Raoji to the children who performed
well.The vote of thanks was proposed by Revathi of IX std. Finally the
programme was concluded with our Kendra Prayer.
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