DATE : 01.03.2025
VENUE : Vivekananda Kendra Vidyalaya M.H.S.S., Vivekanandapuram
TIME : 4.00 P.M
Chief Guest : Lion S.Suthanthiralakshmi MJF, Past District Governor, Lions
District 324A
Special Guest: Lion Dr.S.Rajendran
MJF,Past District Governor,Lions District 324A
Presided by : Smt.Janaki Pushpam,Incharge,Vivekananda Kendra
Rural Development
programme, Tirunelveli
Master of Ceremony: Smt.K.Saranya
No of Participants :167
Ø Mother’s Day celebration was
initiated by lighting the lamp and an invocation was sung by Smt.J. Suganya
Ø Smt.S.N.Bhagavathi Chitra
welcomed the gathering.
Ø Smt.S.R.Ponmathi presented
the importance of Mothers Day.
Ø Three of the mothers
shared their happiness and experience about mothers day celebration.
Chief Guest’s Address:
v Shared the love towards
her mother.
v Made her mother proud of
her achievement.
v Emphasized the qualities
of a mother.
v All mothers got the
opportunity to make a good citizen to our country.
v Smt.Saranya who won the
first prize in music competition sang “Saraswathi pamalai”.
Special Guest’s Address:
v Explained the story of
Anna Jarvis, the reason behind the celebration of mother’s day.
v In India, mothers should
be celebrated daily.
v Narrated the story of twin
v Dog’s love when landslide
v Love of a mother even when
she was sent to an orphanage was explained clearly.
Presidential Address:
v God cannot be in all
places so mother is given to us in place of God.
v Mothers should take the
responsibility in the growth of their children.
v Mothers of Lord
Muruga,Sumithra Devi,Jeetha Bai,Narendranath Datta, Gandhiji and Abdulkalam
were discussed.
winners name list was read out by Smt.Kavitha teacher and the winners were
a token of love,memento was presented to the chief guest and the special guest
by Smt.Janaki Pushpam.
delivered the vote of thanks.
concluded the programme with shanthi Manthra.
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