A motivational camp was arranged for the teachers.
Dr.Sundar kumar Gandikota, Founder and CEO, School Education and Management
Services- SEAMS, from Hyderabad engaged the teachers during the entire camp.
On 08/12/2020 (10.00 a.m to 12.30 p.m),
started the session by narrating the story of Shri. Vishnu
Sharma, a popular teacher, a man of
80 years old who wrote
the Panchatantra story.
Through this story, we could learn moral
values such as discipline, diligence, time management, punctuality, etc.
As teachers, we must
know about the "Why" type of question answers. If we inculcate this
type of attitude
among the students it develops their curiosity to imbibe knowledge.
At the end of the session, Dr.Sundarji quoted Edmund
Burke's beautiful quote “Example is the school
of mankind and he will learn at no other”
The second session
started with “my success story”.
The teachers shared their experience with the students based on students' quality, their response, handling
of the
students and characters.
On 09/12/2020(9.30 a.m to 12.30 p.m),
“My success story” was continued and a
new topic “The best teacher in my life” was also introduced. He insisted that we should strengthen our
strength –Create
Leadership quality among the students – begin class
via activity – transformation must be developed in
student – Effectiveness
and efficiency
On 14/12/2020 (9.00 a.m to 12.30 p.m), a self-appraisal form was
given to all the teachers to fill in and discussion was done on the same.
15/12/2020 (9.00 a.m to 12.30 p.m),
analysis was done by each teacher on the marks scored by the students in their
subjects and he introduced various techniques to bring improvement in the

16/12/2020 (9.00 a.m to 4.30 p.m),
micro-teaching practice was done by each teacher in groups. Explanation on
specific topics from Mathematics and Physics was given through demonstration. The camp concluded at 4.30 p.m.