Brotherhood day celebrated each year on 11th September remarks the
importance of brotherhoodness and the efforts laid by the great saint Swami
Vivekananda to raise the name and fame of our country. Swamiji’s address on Chicago was wholly
concentrated on bringing out the nations spiritual and moral values to the
world that seemed our nation as nothing until that. Swami Vivekananda’s speech echoed the whole
world about our nation India as a land that has a great origin, great moral and
spiritual values and a nation truly devoted and ruled by Gods.
per that, Universal Brotherhood day was celebrated in our school on 11th
September 2015. The program started in
the evening of September 11th.
The dignitaries on the dias lighted the lamp that made a delightful
is a passion to fill the hearts of visitors.
Welcoming brings joy. According
to that a spontaneous and fruitful welcome address was delivered by our Vice
Principal Smt. K.G.Sariga.
by the welcome address a long and thought oriented Presidential address was
delivered by our treasurer Mann. Hanumantharaoji. He mentioned the endless and tireless efforts
laid by Swamiji and Eknathji by which they are known as great
personalities. He explained each and
every line spoken by Swamiji in Chicago address. He mentioned Rock Memorial had become an
embodiment by the hard labour of Eknathji and thus Eknathji also become an
embodiment to the whole world.
A beautiful
song was sung by the girls of VKV that was so melodious.
Kendra staff were honoured by the Special Guest by presenting memento and
prizes for their successful completion of ten years and truthfulness shown
through their behaviours.
Address was delivered by honourable Chief Guest Sathyabodhananda Maharaj. His speech was full of interaction with
students. He started his speech with
chanting the Ohm Mantra. He also chanted
the Saraswathi Sloka.
spoke about the Chicago address made by Swami Vivekananda. He highlighted the beginning lines that
Swamiji spoke - “Sisters and brothers of America” which got a standing ovation
for 2 minutes among the crowd of 7 thousands.
Chief Guest’s elongated speech turned again to an interaction by
pointing to the five photos placed on the dias.
He first pointed to the statue of Saraswathi placed on the middle of
stage mentioning it as Vidya, the God of Education. He also briefly explained the four hands
holding Veena and playing it holding books to tell the need of education, beeds
on one hand to show the need for (bakthi) devotion to God.
He then turned to Saradha Devi and Ramakrishna
telling that their life is a whole devotion to the world. Their teachings make people understand that
all are brothers and sisters of same parents.
Vivekananda was the next one whom he mentioned as the final product to world as
God. He also mentioned even Gandhiji
followed the ideas of Swamiji.
finally pointed to Eknathji without whom the great embodiment that is the Rock
Memorial could not be seen today. He
finally concluded his speech by saying that we are of the great Vasudeva
the speech, memento was handed over to the Chief Guest by our honourable
treasurer Hanumantharaoji to make that function a memorable one.
of thanks was delivered by Sri.Krishna Swamiji who thanked each and everyone
for the kind co-operation throughout the program.
by the vote of thanks there were various cultural programs wonderfully
performed by our VKV students. The
cultural programs were a feast to the eyes and ears which included dances,
song, drama and variety entertainment.
program ended successfully with Kendra Prayer.
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